Career Strategy Tips

Happy people jumping

How to Make Networking the Easy Part of Your Social Life.

Networking is not just for people who are looking for jobs, and...
Worlds Best Boss Mug

Rank Your Boss On A Scale From 1-5 1/2

I have had bosses that were awesome and bosses that were not...
39 Encourage and Inspire


It’s amazing how much we can get done simply by opening our...
hand shaking

Why Use Outplacement Services?

Outplacement services provide guidance to help former employees transition out of the...
Close-up photo of two hands holding Coca-Cola bottles

What’s Your Personal Brand?

Branding When you see Coke’s famous red label, you know immediately what...
A happy guy wearing red sweatshirt

What’s in It for Me? (WIIFM)

Whether you are revising your resume, creating a cover letter, or preparing...
A man with his arms wide open in a grassland

The Power of Gratitude

Today is the perfect time to reflect on what you are grateful...
Woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of a laptop

Get Connected to Get Hired

Now is the BEST time to prepare for your future! FACT: Over...
Female professional with hand on chin sitting in front of laptop

Thanks, but No Thanks

Thanks, but no thanks! Even though you may think the interview was...