How to Have Meaningful Conversations Even When You Are Busy

2 girls on swing laughing and spending some quality time

👉It is becoming increasingly difficult to have meaningful conversations. Texts, emails, and social media are commonplace distractions and hamper our ability to engage in productive conversations. This can be incredibly frustrating when colleagues are trying to resolve work issues. Follow these 5 STEPS to improve your communication strategy: Step #1 Focus: Multitasking may be acceptable…

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Accelerators Share Brilliant Insider Information

A video conferencing call

TAPPING INTO THE COMMUNITY Community is often defined as a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. I am so honored to have supported the jobseeking community with coaching, education, and insight since 2014. 👉At our August event job seekers had an amazing opportunity to ask questions…

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Five Trade Secrets of Awesomely Successful People

Boys jumping due to happiness

Successful people approach their personal and professional life with clear direction and unwavering focus. Integrate the following tips into your daily routine, and you will be more likely to meet with success in your career and life. 1. Set Goals and Commit to Achieving Them – Successful people set specific short-term goals that ultimately lead the way…

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Are You Ready For an Amazing Career Transition?

a boy and girl portraying a mime character

There comes a time when you may realize that the skills you have mastered could be transferred to other, more rewarding career paths. Whether you are at this stage voluntarily or your most recent layoff requires you to think more creatively about your next career move, follow these guidelines to make your transition fulfilling and…

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Rank Your Boss On A Scale From 1-5 1/2

Worlds Best Boss Mug

I have had bosses that were awesome and bosses that were not quite as awesome. I learned from all of them. The managers that I respected and admired most share similar qualities. While they may come from different backgrounds and have unique strengths, their leadership qualities are surprisingly similar. 👉 Why is this important? Leaders,…

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39 Encourage and Inspire

It’s amazing how much we can get done simply by opening our minds to something different.You may have reached a plateau in your career, and you want to make a bigger impact.OR you believe that you can achieve more and are ready to transition into a different role.OR you are actively looking for a new…

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Why Use Outplacement Services?

hand shaking

Outplacement services provide guidance to help former employees transition out of the organization and be prepared to re-enter the job market. Outplacement training typically includes topics such as career coaching, personal branding, resume development, interview preparation, building strong networks, and job search resources. Organizations have increasingly found a need for assistance in reducing the trauma…

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