The Power of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude daily balances us and gives us hope for the future.
I encourage you to think about what’s on your gratitude list.
Here are some ways to find the power of gratitude:
Listen with empathy to encourage others to do their best and recognize their contributions and achievements.
Keep a gratitude journal. List things for which you are thankful on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Keep the journal where you can see it as a daily reminder to think gratefully.
Take a walk. Take the time to appreciate a sunny day, a warm breeze, or a beautiful sunset. Make it a practice to actively look for things to be grateful for in nature.
Actively look for people to thank. Let someone know that you recognize that they have gone “above and beyond” and why you are grateful for their extra efforts.
I am grateful to you for inspiring me every day.
Warm regards, Mindy